Is it Acceptable?

Is it Acceptable?

by Michaelah

Many people that are whaling, think that whale culling is acceptable, but I definitely do not! Thousands of whales die every year. Over the years 48,000 humpbacks have died. That is not good enough. Whales are supposed to be beautiful and majestic. So much of the meat is stored in huge frozen stockpiles. There is also the issue of whale product use in cosmetics and health supplements, and whale meal feed. Another issue is Grenade harpoons are often used to kill whales, forcing them to be subjected to a long, slow and painful death.

I personally believe that the grenade harpoons should be banned, as it is inhumane. It is a slow and painful death for the whale. The death of the whale is caused as a result of its organs being shattered by iron fragments from the head of the harpoon. They then winch the dead bleeding defenseless animal into the boat. If it is still not dead, the killer harpoon gets fired. Also, many of the shooters are inexperienced and shoot the whale in the wrong spot. Therefore they cannot sell that meat and leave the dead whale there.
Rare and endangered whale species such as the minke whale, (known as the white whale or "Moby Dick"), have also been hunted. These whales are at the brink of extinction because of commercial whaling. At least 560 minke whales were killed last year and sold at Japanese restaurants and butchers.
Sperm oil from the sperm whale's baleen, (well known as train oil), is also used from the whales and lots are killed.
Is the whaling research overdone? I personally believe that all people should not have whales die.

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Mar 12, 2015
Great emotional
by: Bob James

Wow Michaelah, I really loved your speech. I really loved all the information and I rate you a 5 stars for this effort!

Mar 11, 2015
Thanks Michaelah!
by: Helen

Good info about the harpoons. I don't think most people realize that there is no humane way to kill a whale! They also don't realize how intelligent whales are. They have their own language, families and culture.
The only way to bring change is through education, so spread the word. We all have to work together!

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