Bottlenose Dolphins Habitat

Bottlenose dolphins habitat is huge.

Bottle nose dolphins have a very wide habitat because they are very adaptable animals.

Bottlenose Dolphin, Underwater, Providenciales
Bottlenose Dolphin, Underwater, Providenciales
Poster by AllPosters. Click on thumbnail to buy

They can live in deep, cold oceans far from continents, as well as in coastal waters, lagoons, bays, harbours, and river mouths.

They live in water that has average temperatures from 50 to 90 degrees.

The deep water individuals can live their entire lives without ever seeing land. Their range is one of the most widespread of all dolphins.

They are found in the waters of Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

They even inhabit some inland seas such as the Mediterranian, Red Sea and Black Sea.

They are only absent from polar oceans.

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