Humpback Whale Migration

Humpback whale migration is very popular to watch.

It i
s quite easily seen in many parts of the world, and it is one of the most popular one with whale watchers.

Breaching Humpback Whale, Inside Passage, Southeast Alaska, USA
Poster by AllPosters. Click on thumbnail to buy

Humpback whales have distinctive colouring which helps identifying them down to individuals.

This has helped studies about their migration, and it has been found out that these whales migrate up to 9000km.

The ones that has been studied in east Pacific, spend the winter in Hawaii, where they breed, and migrate to Alaska and the western coast of North America, where they feed during the winter.

Other northern populations migrate in the same manner between Caribbean islands and Greenland; Azores and Scandinavia; and Japan/Korea and Russia's Far East.

Southern populations migrate between their summer feeding grounds in Antarctica, and their winter breeding grounds off the coasts of South America, Africa and Australia.

These whales are known for their excellent surface behaviour and their songs while they migrate.

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